FOM - traducción al Inglés
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FOM - traducción al Inglés

FOM (disambiguation)

Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter


grains of Paradise
¦ plural noun the seeds of a West African plant (Aframomum melegueta), used as a spice and in herbal medicine.



FOM may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para FOM
1. it fom the back of the room.
Focus - the Hidden Driver of Excellence _ Daniel Goleman _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de FOM
1. FOM, which is seen as Kremlin–friendly, polled 3,000 people on Feb. ' and 10.
2. A third national polling agency, FOM, found that only 4' percent intended to vote for Medvedev.
3. FOM, classified as a noncommercial organization, will poll around 80,000 voters, said Veronika Perevezentseva, its spokeswoman.
4. The findings broadly mirrored the results of two other opinion polls this week from Russian pollsters VTsIOM and FOM.
5. Nessim was announcing partial results fom the first round of elections that kicked off Wednesday in 82 constituencies across Egypt.